/mc/ - minecraft

crafty mines

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Does people still play on the server?

Post #2158 by sose Tue May 16 05:00:01 PM UTC 2023


Request for a /pol/ board

Post #2157 by sose Tue May 16 04:57:57 PM UTC 2023


pics (12K)

no :)

Text for the post

Request for a /pol/ board

i like to puke :)

I am king.

Text for the post

Text for the post

Respecfully, This seems like a wonderful place. I would like very much to contribute to the server. I can be found as Kmf or killmofasta


server.png (388K)

The server has finally upgraded to 1.17!
As always, send me an email or ping me on irc if there are any problems


2021-05-25_21.07.35.png (340K)

Loving the heads.
Of course, the only possible thing to make with them...
A Tzompantli!!!!
May have to make my base into an aztec/maya thing...

So, I stuck some torches on the bamboo at nethergirnder3, it works fine now. Getting a signal down will be a bit harder, bt not impossible.
I wonder if it needs to be so high - bamboo growing the full height of the farm is only a 5% chance, so it might not always fire the breakers.
Better (I think) would be to have a full suite of observers at some lower level, which will mean a higher throughput of bamboo.




Screenshot_20210110_074610.png (404K)

A mountain was hollowed, added support columns, placed flooring.
Remaining is the partitioning for different type of items, placing chests, barrels, stairs and illumination to avoid mob spawning. There still is a lot to do.
Sorry for the opposite before and now image. Before is on right side and now is on left.

Post #2029 by PingMastered Thu 21 Jan 2021 07:36:54 AM UTC


2021-01-21_13.32.24.png (576K)

Worked on river level to come up with a design. I am going for look over function.


2020-12-02_17.38.54.png (508K)

don't forget to sign up for the secret santa!!!!!!!!!! it'll be a fun vc party with presents for everyone also here's vanta posing in front of the tree for the party


2020-11-07_16.38.20.png (764K)

Accidental Visual Consequences of the new iceway...


2020-11-07_01.14.35.png (656K)

Collecting Bee Nests for all natural honey farm.


2020-10-17_20.37.50.png (1.9M)

I'm making a creeper farm out by oceantown

Post #2008 by doz Thu 29 Oct 2020 12:01:11 AM UTC


2020-10-28_15.39.06.png (1.1M)

a brigade of creepers behind mrtz about to all be turned into music discs

Post #2009 by doz Thu 29 Oct 2020 12:05:38 AM UTC


2020-10-28_17.12.49.png (524K)

mob farm hooked up to note blocks

Post #2010 by doz Sat 31 Oct 2020 02:08:14 AM UTC


2020-10-30_20.06.53.png (1.0M)

first double chest filled at disc farm


2020-10-22_12.48.48.png (896K)

Text for the post

Post #2004 by Anonymous Thu 22 Oct 2020 07:16:13 PM UTC



2020-09-16_08.37.14.png (1.9M)

this llama just lived underwater like this for ~3 days before I dragged it up to the surface O_o

Post #1995 by Anonymous Mon 12 Oct 2020 05:51:36 PM UTC

big lung

has anyone else experienced prolonged server outages? thanks

Post #1965 by sose Tue Aug 4 02:11:22 UTC 2020

Yeah, its probably caused by a combination of the upgrade to 1.16.1 and the server quickly outgrowing its given resources, I'll try and find a solution, but for now just ping me when the server goes down and I'll restart it manually


2020-07-10-222626_1920x1080_scrot.png (1.2M)

Ive finally upgraded the server to 1.16! Let me know if you have any problems


Screenshot_20200620_222533.png (784K)



2020-05-03_22.07.37.png (832K)

I've gone ahead and finished the exterior of the skyscraper near spawn, I've also put down some torches and golems to curb mob spawning.
Right now the interior is pretty much empty right now so hopefully we can host some neat projects in there eventually.

Post #1246 by sose Mon May 4 05:20:03 UTC 2020


2020-05-03_22.17.52.png (920K)

I've also added a honey block elevator (designed by troido) to make it easier to quickly get to specific floors

Post #1248 by sose Mon May 4 05:23:37 UTC 2020


2020-05-03_22.18.29.png (684K)

the original water/drop elevator has been moved to the side, but now only travels to and from the top floor


2020-03-30_10.28.29.png (168K)

I built a drowned farm over the weekend. I'm calling it "Skyriver". Here's my trident collection so far.

Just more as an FYI: Slime Chunks on the server are not the slime chunks as advertised in the slime tool/map thing which you were kind enough to share with us.
I built a slime farm on one chunk in the Industrial ZOne, got no slimes.
So I built two more slime-generating areas on identified slime chunks near it. No slimes have spawned on them at all.
I don't know what's changed or anything, but this is why the old slime farm stopped working also, I imagine.

Post #618 by sose Thu Jan 30 16:21:30 UTC 2020

I know we've been discussion this in irc, but for the record I'm pretty sure I messed something up with the webpage I gave you guys. For the time being, ask troido for the location of slime chunks as they have access to the seed.

Post #619 by sose Thu Jan 30 16:22:29 UTC 2020

Also, we're going to be working on our own slime finder which should hopefully solve this problem.

Post #622 by sose Thu Jan 30 17:56:15 UTC 2020

also, *discussing


seed.png (12K)

Since recently the location of slime chunks has become an issue for the server, I would like to clarify a few things about the release of the seed.

Originally, I gave the seed to a few trusted members so that they could locate the end portal. However I then realized that having the seed would allow players to easily locate resources, villages, dungeons, ocean monuments and essentially anything else on the map. Since the players in possession of the seed are veteran members of the server I trust them not to use the seed for these purposes.

However I would like to make it clear that NO PLAYER IN POSSESSION OF THE SEED IS TO DISSEMINATE IT UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES unless authorized by me. (No one has done this, so thank you)

Unfortunately the fact that the seed isn't public makes it very difficult to find slime chunks, as one would have to consult with a player in possession of the seed. Originally I had saved a local copy of a SlimeFinder and hosted it on my tildepage. Unfortunately I was informed that this page was broken, and was not displaying the correct slime chunks. Currently me and some other members are working on writing a slime finder of our own, which should simplify the process for users.

Until then, ask troido :P


tildecraft_slimes.png (12K)

Those are the slime chunks in the industrial zone

Screenshot 2020-01-28 at 13.40.05.png

Screenshot 2020-01-28 at 13.40.05.png (180K)

Was just wondering if you'd be interested/minded to allow me to increase the area of the Industrial Zone?
Currently its ~10 * 13 chunks. To improve the spawnability rates for future users, that would be better at ~17 * 17 chunks - this would mean that the entirely of a r256 sphere would be inside the perimeter area.
I've marked out the areas that this could be done on the attached; one area 7 * 13 on the south of what we have; one area 17 * 4 on the east.
Just an idea, the bombinator stands ready.

Sorry for spamming the board with the same message three times. I can't see a way to delete the dupes.

Post #584 by sose Wed Jan 22 22:47:08 UTC 2020

don't worry, i gotcha


2020-01-22_15.52.49.png (2.7M)

Here's a ground-level perspective to give you an idea of just how massive this crater dgold has made really is.

Screenshot 2020-01-21 at 19.46.28.png

Screenshot 2020-01-21 at 19.46.28.png (292K)

Over the holidays and for a bit in the New Year, I worked on getting the Industrial Zone Cleared. With Sose's help, I managed to use a flying bombinator, and successfully cleared an area of roughly 13 chunks by 10.
I could really use some help with two things:-
1. Covering the area with Glass - I want to cover it in a grey/red checkerboard, one chunk per color. I've done two chunks and there are shulkers full of colored glass just outside the rail terminus.
2. Light up adjacent caves - I know this seems mad, but lighting up caves right next to the permiter will help with spawns later.


2019-12-18_02.08.15.png (2.0M)

Nestled in a dark forest grove

I keep getting errors.


2019-12-16_19.23.28.png (1.3M)

don't know why, but this structure has continued to burn for the last several days. #hardcore

Post #467 by sose Thu Dec 26 00:18:23 UTC 2019

strange, perhaps it has something to do with fire spread rules?
There's been some storms lately, perhaps it got struck by lightning?
Also i'm pretty sure ticks aren't calculated for certain things when nobody is on the server, fire may be one of those, giving it the appearance of having burned longer.

Post #468 by sose Thu Dec 26 00:19:34 UTC 2019

maybe i'll check it out later


PotionStation.png (100K)

I wanted to build a potion station in the spawn town. I looked for something central, but there's very little available. I need a space a little smaller than 30x30.
I identified this location, which has two fairly huge problems:-
The Palestinian Flag
The Butts
I've marked the area I'd be thinking of with bumblepillars, I'd appreciate anyone's input.

Post #122 by sose Thu Nov 28 20:52:09 UTC 2019

Screenshot_2019-11-28 The unofficial tilde town minecraft server.png

Screenshot_2019-11-28 The unofficial tilde town minecraft server.png (32K)

looks like we've settled on this area near coords 40, 200?

Post #125 by sose Fri Nov 29 02:11:41 UTC 2019

It's good since its within walking distance from spawn but not to close to clutter it.